Monday, July 11, 2011

Was it Really Beasley Denson's Fault There is Going to Be a New Tribal Election?

According to public statements issued by Miko Beasley Denson, he was forced into delivering the tie vote that triggered a new election, because Phyliss Anderson and Kevin Edwards refused to recuse themselves from the vote. 
     Vickie Rangel and Mack Jimmie, who filed the complaint, had requested that council members running for office should recuse themselves from the vote, because it was a conflict of interest.
           The Tribal council goes by what is called, "Robert's Rules" (common rules and procedural guidelines for holding meetings fairly.)
According to Robert's Rules,  in order for any measure to pass, there must be a 2/3 majority.  
     "Beasley was the first one to stand up and say, "I can't vote on this," says Gwen Willis, but then Anderson and Edwards said they were going to vote, so Beasley voted too.  We are not for Beasley, we are for honesty.  If our leaders continue to break this law, it opens the door for other laws to be broken.  This is not about her (Anderson) and it is not about him (Denson), it is about the law."
     Willis goes on to say, "My sisters are mad at me cause Beasley is still in office, but we felt this issue was more important."
     Many people were left with the impression that Miko Beasley Denson was holding up the election because he had something to hide or that he was a sore loser.  However, upon further investigation into the matter, this does not appear to be the case.
          The grievances that were filed by Vickie Rangel and Mack Jimmie, were complaints filed on two issues.  The first issue was about tribal election laws, that state, the polls are to close promptly at 8:00.  "There were two hundred people waiting in line, and those people were allowed to vote after 8:00.  "Those were not valid votes, says Rangel, and should not have been counted." (It should also be noted that this is a problem that has arisen at many US voting sites, and has had to be addressed. For newspapers to say it is some obscure law, is pure rubbish.)
     It should also be noted that Vickie Rangel is not a supporter of Miko Beasley Denson, in fact, she has tried to rally people to vote against him, and her complaint was filed against him allowing the polls to stay open past the designated time to close. 
     A new election is bitter sweet for her because she says, "Sometimes when you win, you lose."
     The second grievance that was filed, was on a new voting site in Henry, TN.  "The election started on the 8th, and they did not approve the site until the 12th, and you can not pass a law that is an ex post facto law or a retroactive law (ex post facto law (from the Latin for "from after the action") or retroactive law is a law that retroactively changes the legal consequences (or status) of actions committed or relationships that existed prior to the enactment of the law) after the election has already started, it was not an approved voting site prior to the start of the election, and no boundaries have been drawn for that voting site.  The 27 voters that voted there are not valid voters, says Rangel, they need to go to a valid voting site, but It would be ok for the next election."
     Gwen Willis is undecided who she will vote for, and Rangel says, "A good leader forgets about themselves and does what is right.  I was for Anderson, but if she wont' stand up on this law, will she be able to uphold our laws?"
      The fact that there is going to be a third and possible fourth round of voting does not mean the Choctaw system is broken, rather it means that it is working, and the rest of the United States should be so lucky. 
     Although it was a very proud day in Choctaw, Mississippi, as Phyliss Anderson was elected the first female chief of the Choctaw Tribe, it will be an even prouder day, when the election process is proven to be in harmony with the voters, and the winner, totally free from any stain, sets the issue to rest.
A new election was held, and Phyliss Anderson, by a larger margin than before, was once again selected by the people to lead Pearl River Resort.  She brings a lot of positive energy and hope to the tribe, as well as employees of the resort.  We all wish her well, and a bright future.



  1. The decision to allow those waiting to vote was made by the A.G. It's been done before - a police officer or security guard is stationed at the end of the line to make sure know one else is added after 8:00. Those in charge of the polls in Conehatta heard of it and got confused, reopening the polls there. The law wasn't broken, discretion was used to make sure those at the polls at 8:00 were able to vote.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Here is an Ordinance that Vickie Rangel & Gwen Willis neglected to mention. In Article XII, Section C of Ordiance 6 states the following guidelines "No official Tribal Election shall be voided(overturned) by order of the Tribal Election Committee in response to a complaint unless the complainant clearly demonstrates that the irregularity(which was the polling hours) alleged was of sufficient importance that its occurrence could potentially have altered the outcome of the election in question."

    Mack Jimmie and Vickie Rangel pointed out the irregularity in the June 14th election and NEVER clearly demonstrated how the OUTCOME would have been altered. The TEC saw this and certified the election. However, the complaintants were not satisfied with the decision that was in line with the Ordinance and presented the grievance before the Tribal Council. Some Tribal Members were at the meeting on this day and even addressed that the outcome could not have been altered by the irregularity, therefore the tribal council should have upheld the TEC decision regardless if Phyliss, Kevin, or Beasley voted or not.

    200 or so people voted after 8:00, and their votes were tallied with NO ONE receiving 50% + 1 to win. Take away those 200 votes from even the top three candidates or base the deduction on the distribution (44% for BD, 24% for PA and 22% for KE) and what do you get. The SAME OUTCOME - a RUNOFF ELECTION! Beasley supporters on the Tribal Council voted for the MAN and not based on the arguments or the ordinance as the guidelines indicate!

  4. For Gwen Willis and Vickie Rangel to praise Beasley on his gesture to not vote due to the conflict of interest is troubling. In the 2007 Tribal Election, Ordinance 6 was not followed when several votes were discarded in the Run-Off Election between Beasley Denson and Chief Phillip Martin. Beasley stood by and allowed the process to be violated in his favor. Chief Martin favored the Chahta people and conceded defeat when he had a solid arguement for a recall of that election.

    Robert's Rules of Order: "It is a general rule that no one can vote on a question in which he has a direct personal or pecuniary interest. Yet this does not prevent a member from voting for himself for any office or other position, as voting for a delegate or for a member of a committee; nor from voting when other members are included with him in the motion, even though he has a personal or pecuniary interest in the result, as voting on charges preferred against more than one person at a time, or on a resolution to increase the salaries of all the members. If a member could in no case vote on a question affecting himself, it would be impossible for a society to vote to hold a banquet, or for a legislature to vote salaries to members, or for the majority to prevent a small minority from preferring charges against them and suspending or expelling them. By simply including the names of all the members, except those of their own faction, in a resolution preferring charges against them, the minority could get all the power in their own hands, were it not for the fact that in such a case all the members are entitled to vote regardless of their personal interest."

  5. When Pearl River allowed approx 200 voters to cast their vote after 8pm, it was because voters were already standing in line before 8pm. These 200 voters were an extension of the polling arm so that's why they were allowed to vote. The Tribal Election Committee made the right decision and validated the winner of Phyllis Anderson. When do they ever go by the law? It's about stealing the election, at all cost, if it doesn't go his way, the whole tribe will suffer by it. The moody's report just lowered our grade, down to the lowest. If we can't pay this 71 million dollars by Nov 4., we in TROUBLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE....possible bankruptcy!!

  6. It is a shame Moody's lowered the tribe's debt rating down to the lowest level because of the FBI Investigation. Even sadder, it hasn't been proven anyone has done anything wrong, but the tribe is getting punished anyway.

  7. Just look at the clarion ledger on sunday aug 28 and u will see who's lying it's beasley and his adm journalist 101will have to have facts and wilma told it by saying bok homa casino was not paid in full and in may baesley had lied to his people saying it was paid in full and wasted our money to throw a celebration just to help him win votes didnt work. Beasley is a disgrace to the choctaws. I hope god gave him a second chance to go to prison for what he has put us thru.

  8. Let me just share my point of thought...what the tribal voters did to file for grievence was not to their own benefit. They did what was right. Also, if you are going to criticize anyone you should not consider using God's name in your statement. Calling Denson a liar is sinning! If you are to see it thru God's eyes, you should not criticize nor humiliate anyone. Since it seems you do know our Savior, I shall pray for you. In the meantime, you too also need to be praying for the right person to take this important position and that the election soon be over with....thanks! God bless!

  9. Now it's been a year. What have we seen with the newly elected chief? Lies, Lies, Lies. We have watched our tribe deteroriate days after days. Tribal Members continue to lose their jobs. Tribal Elders disrespected. Our chief led us to believe the unity way of life. What a joke and a figment of our imagination. It goes to say that the rich got richer and the poor got poorer. The tribal officials that supported phyliss has benefited and pocketed much more than just an ordinary tribal member who's trying to survive day in and day out. Non-tribal people from the past that supported her has also benefited and are now at the top of the food chain.....with a big ass grin on their face. They have received lucriduous salaries and benefits, contractual arrangements, replaced tribal members from their jobs. One must remember that the tribe was once about tribal sovereignty and tribal members had a voice; tribal members having a right; tribal members having the freedom from tyranny. Its a year later......phyliss and her family have benefited as whole and they never looked back. Non-tribal people has benefited without any questions asked of their purpose of business with the tribe. Tribal officials benefited getting under the table deals that continuously fringe upon conflicts of interest. And in the end, choctaw people just lucked out. Vote for Change 2015.....

  10. Thanks for helping out, great information. "If you would convince a man that he does wrong, do right. Men will believe what they see." by Henry David Thoreau.

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