Tuesday, January 17, 2023

PLEASE HELP ME! Scott County Jail isn't Giving My Daughter Her Seizure Medication! UPDATE: She is getting her medication and Richard Prestage speaks out.

UPDATE:  Hannah is now receiving her medication, and Richard Prestage speaks out. 


After getting on the wrong track, with the wrong guy, during a time of post-partum depression, Hannah Traxler now sits in a Scott County Mississippi jail, charged with a crime, that according to her mother, she did not commit.

After taking a trip to Alabama against her will, where she was beaten and burned with cigarettes by her abuser, Jason Guy, Hannah was rescued and returned home to Mississippi to face a drug rehab court order her mother had asked the court for previously.

"I went to the courts and asked them to help me with Hanna because she needed drug rehab and mental help for the PTSD she suffered from her time spent with Jason Guy, before and after he took her off to Alabama," states her mother, Michelle Bell.

"Now they are being cruel as hell to her, won't give her her rights, won't take her to Weems, and she has only gotten one letter from me since she has been incarcerated, although I have sent her four letters." 

"Worst of all, Hannah has had seizures since she was four years old and they are they are refusing to give her the seizure medication they know she needs, even though she has a new bottle of seizure medication in her purse at the jail."

"A seizure can kill my daughter, and I am worried sick, I can't sleep at night, and I feel like I am being tortured, simply because I asked the courts for help."

"In addition to that, she fell in the jail and it took them a couple of days to take her to the doctor."

"A week after she fell I put $80 on the books for her canteen, but they took it from her and said that was her charge for her medical bill.  However, I called the hospital and her Medicaid had paid half of her medical bill and the jail paid the other half."

She then called Scott County Sheriff Mike Lee.  

"Mike Lee said the medical bill was suppose to be filed on the jail, so he didn't know why Bubba Johnson had taken her money, yet they still have not given her the money back."

"Mike assured me he would get to the bottom of it, and in the process commented her bond was really high.  I've probably called him 15 times since then and he won't call me back."

Michelle also states that Richard Prestage went to the doctors office and got Hanna's children's medical records from when Jason Guy burned the baby with hot water (this is when Hannah left him) and told them he was an investigator.  "He is not an investigator, he is a constable.  How is this not a violation of HIPPA?," she asked.

However, upon further investigation it has been determined that Richard Prestage did not get the medical records.  

"I was called to the clinic that the child was taken to and was just the first to arrive, but my partner handled the case, and he only took the report."

Richard further states, "We found out it happened in Scott County, and we have nothing to do with what happens in the county."

"You also must have a court ordered subpoena to get medical records, I could not just go and pick them up. My partner turned it over to Scott County because it did not happen in Morton."

"I have been in Law Enforcement for 24-25 years, a constable for 6 terms and an ambulance driver/EMT for 12 years. Our only involvement in this case was taking the original report."

Hannah's mother, Michelle, goes on to say they have restricted Hannah's canteen and her Home Wave Video Chat where you can call and talk to your loved ones, but won't tell her why.

"Now I know my daughter has addiction problems, but she is a human being and does not deserve to be treated like this, and neither do I. This could be a death sentence for her."

"I asked for help but instead I'm going through hell."

As you read this, you may think this is just a problem with the Scott County Jail, but in fact it is a nationwide problem.

If you are a loved one are not getting life saving medications that you need, there are steps you can take, according to this article by The National Association for Mental Illness.


If you are Epileptic like Hannah is, you have rights when it comes to receiving your medication, and this is why.  


That pesky little thing called the Constitution.


1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry call governor office .or call the guy tommy miles .
