Thursday, January 19, 2023

Woman Says She Was Left for Dead After an Attack, Law Enforcement Says it Was Domestic Violence

  Around the time that Austin Harrell and Shaunna Reynolds were accused of murdering Goolsby and Strickland in Newton County, there was another story circulating about a girl that supposedly had her leg cut off.

This is her story:

"I don't want my name out there because this person's intention was not to keep me alive, but other women need to know about this."

"I live in Scott county toward Lake, 6 miles from where they found the bodies of the two girls."

"My attackers obviously knew my husband was in jail so that is why they came to attack me. My leg was cut almost completely off.  Me and another girl were targeted because our husbands were locked up so it gave them easy access."

 "The other girl said someone has been poking around her house. The doors on their truck were opened and her husband is incarcerated right now also."

******* was arrested and booked in my case on the 2nd of the month and on the 4th or 5th our home was broken into.  Since the time I was injured and he was booked into police custody, someone has already broken into my home and stole lingerie, sex toys, and two laptops.  For that reason I do not feel like ******* was alone in this."

******* was someone in need so we gave him a place to live and even helped him get a car." says her husband.

"He has since moved out, but when he was here he never came at me the wrong way before or gave me any indication he had other intentions for me." says the victim.

"When my husband was home ******* NEVER pulled over at the house, but this day he pulled over on the side of the road and started talking to me, and I told him my husband "****" was in jail.  He acted like he was going to get out of the car and next thing I know I was hit in the head and that is the last thing I remember."

"The only time ******* acted strange around me was in our great-grandmother's house.  He kept saying over and over, "Man, I'm sorry, let her know I'm really sorry.  I don't know where I am going to die, but I know where I am going to be buried." When he got in the car we all heard a door slam like someone was mad and he would not come back over to our house after that."

The victim's husband had just been released from jail not long before the attack occurred.

"I had been arrested and the police wanted one of my friends real bad, and wanted me to go on the stand and testify against him and I said, "No, I want my family safe."

"The police said they would not let anything happen to my family, but I would not do what they wanted.  Then they released me and when I got home I found my wife lying in the middle of the road like a dead dog."

"One officer has been calling us non-stop trying to find out our location, trying to get us to hide out, but he was the same one that said everyone is going to be safe. One of my friends said, "Don't trust no police." so I don't trust them either."

"******* signed a statement saying he only kicked my wife in the head, face and ribs, and that the two girls did the rest.  The two girls got locked up, but they let them go because they said they did not have anything to hold them on.  There names were ******** *********** and ***** *****."

I then asked them if they were familiar with the name Shauna Reynolds, and they said, "I know that name.  A friend of mine was talking to her (wanting to date her) and he told us she had made a hit list out, and my wife's name was on the hit list, but my wife don't even know that girl."

"We met her current boyfriend, Austin Harrell one time when he came running out of the woods by our house and tried to get me (the victim) to come help with his vehicle.  My husband came up and he told my husband he needed some help because he had wrecked his  vehicle, but when my husband got there his car was fine.  It was a white BMW stolen from Louisiana."

"When I was admitted to the hospital they asked me if another girl was with me when this happened.  "Why?" I asked. At that time I didn't know about the other girls being found, but we later heard there was four different girls and a guy murdered or killed, but the only name we heard was Goolsby.

"I want my husband to know it was not his fault because I was attacked when he was locked up.  Please make sure they find him because if my husband does it's not going to be pretty."

When the alleged victim told me her story, I contacted Sheriff Joedy Pennington in Newton County and he told me that this case was not related to the two victims in his county, but was a domestic violence case between a husband and wife.  He also stated that her leg was not almost completely cut off, but rather had a deep gash.  He then gave me the name of an investigator in Scott County she could trust to speak with.  

This case was investigated by Joey Rigby and Captain Ellis. and Joey Rigby states he investigated the case and that the alleged victim was caught in a couple of lies and she admitted to making the whole thing up.  

Office Rigby states that after interviewing several different people along with the alleged perpetrator, it was determined that it was a fabricated story. 

Says Rigby, "It was found that her husband got out of jail and came home and caught her cheating with another man so he beat her up and threw her out of the car. It is unknown how she got the deep gash in her leg."

"Some of the story is very close to the truth, but the rest is fabricated, like the part about the police wanting her husband to help get one of his friends.  Her husband was paid by ** to testify in Circuit Court saying that drugs found on ** was his.  After he claimed the drugs, he was then arrested and charged for possession of a controlled substance.  He was then booked into Scott County, and told us ** paid him to testify." states officer Rigby.

The last time Muddy Mississippi Justice spoke with the alleged victim she was really mad, and vehemently swore to be telling the truth, but said that the police called her a liar and treated her like she was a criminal so she just decided to withdraw charges.

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